Teamwork Skills






This is one of the first things we did when we started this class. This was for people to get to know other people and also practice their group working skills. This also helped know about what skills we will need in this class such as brain storming.


Personal Reflection

  1. Why is it important to share ideas, information, resources, and expertise when working in a team?
    It is very important to share ideas, information,resources, and expertise in a team because there could be someone who has a great idea. If you don’t let your team answer anything you might be missing critical ideas that could be better than your idea. Also for information they might know some things you don’t know that could help your project a lot, an example is sources. Sources can be used to find so much information. Expertise are a critical part of teaming because they could work on a section that they are good which opens so many things for you to focus on.

  2. Describe the techniques you used to encourage participation by each team member, include at least two of the following techniques: brainstorming, group discussion, celebration of others’ thoughts or contributions, acceptance of cultural differences.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                One technique i used was brainstorming. I used this because it got    everybody to give ideas and then it led into people helping each other which meant more people were in the conversation. Also i used group discussion. As you know usually people are scared to talk and give ideas, so what i did is start a big discussion which got everybody talking and giving opinions and after everybody was not scared to talk anymore.
  3. Describe at least two of the following concepts of effective collaboration: cooperative discussion, conflict resolution techniques, motivation techniques, respect for the ideas of others, providing opportunities for all to participate, listening, respecting the ideas of others, constructive criticism.Respect for the ideas of others is what you do to show what you think. When you respect the idea you don’t go hating and saying it’s so bad, you tell them your honest opinion on what they said. What this is will do is show that the other person should not be afraid to tell ideas which will lead on to being really effective during group conversations. Constructive criticism is giving your opinion on what they did wrong for example maybe a grammar mistake or a sentence that does not make sense. If you don’t give criticism when needed that person might think that ideas he or she are giving will always right which might to lead no one agreeing and non effective collaboration.
  1.    What OSP Essential Skills and Work Habits did you apply during this activity? Choose two from each category and explain using examples for how you applied them.
    Two essential skills i applied during this activity were Decision making and oral communication. I used decision making when we all had to decide which three ideas we were going to use for the foods. I thought about all the decision and picked which one i thought was the best idea. I used oral communication when i was talking to the group about giving ideas. It made everybody less nervous and we finished the task quickly. Two work habits I used were teamwork and initiative. I used teamwork when we were all thinking of ideas for our foods. I showed respect to opinion, I also gave some ideas and made sure everybody was doing there part of work. I Show initiative when i was not afraid to ask my group members on what they think of my ideas and asked for tips on some ideas



           Organization 3/4

            Appropriate to Audience 3/4

           Spelling/ Grammar 2/4

            Terminology 4/4


1 = Limited; 2 = Some; 3 = Considerable; 4 = Thorough